The MZLH series business sawdust pellet device released by Richi Machinery is independently established, created and also made by our business. It has a unique look, more sensible structure as well as security. Hand fiber and various other materials. 1. Advantages of commercial sawdust pellet maker ( 1) Gearbox: Proceeding the gearbox benefit of our company's third-generation level die commercial sawdust pellet maker, it takes on high-precision gear transmission as well as is furnished with an automatic hydraulic oil blood circulation system, which ensures the service life of the gearbox as well as the functioning stability of the commercial sawdust pellet machine. ( 2) Motor: 8-level motor, functioning up and down, its impressive attribute is that the mounting opening is centered on the result sh...
We are a professional animal feed pellet mill machine manufacturer from China. If you are looking for animal feed pelletizing solutions, we can help you with the project.